What are Charis Grants?

CHARIS grants scheme is a UK-based administrator that provides crucial grants and funds to individuals and families on behalf of major companies, charities, and authorities (such as npower energy funds). The organization works in many sectors but primarily assists with the application process and assessment process for energy trust funding for those looking to heat their homes sustainably and provides financial assistance to households.

Charis Grants Ltd began by managing The Anglian Water Trust with EDF Energy and British Gas to support vulnerable individuals and families in the UK. They then moved onto other energy companies like Ovo Energy, Scottish Power, and Npower Energy.

  • So far, they have provided £11 million to vulnerable people with their Charis grant application form, supporting evidence and assessment process.
  • They helped design and support the launch of the Warm Home Discount scheme with energy suppliers.
  • Approximately 39 thousand Charis grants are processed each year.
  • 7680 emergency support vouchers (primarily for people’s gas and electric bill) and debt advice were given out in 2020.

Energy Initiatives from the Charis Grant Scheme

Charis grants can help you with your application form and supporting evidence for the many energy trust schemes energy companies have in place for low household income families and vulnerable people in need of gas and electric bill funding for their homes.

These can provide support for household energy bills for those who are struggling and are in need of financial assistance. The grant could also be paid for the current year, any amounts due depending on the size of the household, and go towards buying energy-efficient white goods.

Other energy suppliers in partnership with the Charis grants can also aid in boiler repairs, and replacements, such as the Ovo Energy Let’s Talk Energy Fund.

The Charis grants scheme manages the Scottish Power Warm Home Discount so vulnerable households can receive up to £140 credit amounts due for electricity bills paid for the current year of cold winter months.

Here are examples of the home financial assistance available that Charis grants can help with:


E.ON Next Energy Fund


EON Energy Fund (however, this fund is closed for the year now)


EDF Energy Fund


Ovo Energy Let’s Talk Energy Fund


Scottish Power Warm Home Discount


British Gas Energy Trust


Npower Energy Fund

Charis Grants About page

How Can Charis Grants Help Me Apply?

Due to Charis Grants Ltd being partnered up with some of the biggest energy companies, they can help you qualify for applications. They specialise in checking supporting evidence that customers submit for proof of all household members. Those who apply will have an online portal to upload proof, and Charis Grants can review and give you advice before you have submitted your application.

They have started to expand their services recently, including a money management tool for debt and money advice and household income that is free to use and only takes a few minutes to fill in. It will allow you to budget for the household income for yourself efficiently and help pay your energy bills in the future.

Necessary evidence for the money advice budget planner include:

  • Your household income (whether it is benefits, a private pension or state pensions, or other earnings)
  • Your partner’s income
  • Debt repayments due to be paid (any amounts due)
  • Interest on any savings
  • Household bills (including council tax, water, gas, electricity, mortgage, or rent)
  • Bank statements
  • Other costs (such as food, leisure activities, mobile or internet bills due to be paid, etc.)

Other Heating and Insulation Grants You Can Apply For With UK Energy Support

Charis Grants offer some great services (including their new debt and money advice and budgeting service for household items due to be paid, partnered with citizen’s advice services) specifically for the biggest energy companies, however, there are government energy support schemes (backed by council tax, charities, and other provisional award funding routes) which could offer financial assistance to individuals and families with low incomes in the United Kingdom to pay their energy bills or improve their homes.

At UK Energy Support, we are backed by the UK government grants and have pledged to help as many households as possible receive heating improvements and insulation.

UK Energy Support logo

We specialise in home insulation and comprehensive assessments to help you improve the efficiency of heating your home. Here are some examples of government grants you can apply for that we can help you with once you have submitted your application with supporting evidence and it has been approved:

Income related benefits that can help you get a government grant:

To qualify for these grants, people often have low household income or have vulnerable people living there. There are certain income related benefits that can help you get a financial assistance grant from the government (you can see citizens advice for more information), this includes:

  • Child Benefits (based on household income)
  • Child Tax Credits (CTC)
  • Housing Benefit NEW
  • Income based Jobseekers allowance (JSA)
  • Income related Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
  • Pension Credit Savings Credit NEW
  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Warm Homes Discount Scheme
  • Working Tax Credit (WTC)
Income related benefits

Check which grants do you qualify for today!

Financing based on a government scheme

UK GOV website address

Already benefiting from Charis Grants?

Get in touch and find out if you qualify for electric room heater to electric storage heater replacements or cavity wall insulation. Apply now so you don’t miss out.