UK Energy Support Blog

Learn more about government grants available for heating measures and how to apply for them.

The UK Energy Suppliers ECO4 Grants Applications are now open for: July 2024

Over Half of UK Homes Have Low Energy Efficiency Ratings

Over Half of UK Homes Have Low Energy Efficiency Ratings

A recent study reveals that over 50% of UK homes have low energy efficiency ratings, resulting in higher energy bills and increased carbon emissions. Many homes suffer from poor insulation, outdated heating systems, and single-glazed windows, especially older buildings. Addressing these inefficiencies through government initiatives and homeowner actions is essential for reducing costs and combating climate change.

Report: Millions of UK Homes Poorly Insulated

Report: Millions of UK Homes Poorly Insulated

Millions of UK households are living in cold, damp, and poorly insulated homes, leading to severe health risks and costing the economy billions. Urgent action is needed, including a national insulation program. Read more about the solutions and the need for immediate action in our latest blog post.

Don't wait! Apply Today

ECO4 grant is the last version of Energy Company Obligation scheme, so hurry if you don’t want to miss out on FREE storage heaters or insulation grants through UK Energy Support.